The Phalanx

The Phalanx was a battle formation used by Spartans and other Hellenistic forces centuries ago. The concept was simple, yet very powerful and effective. Interlocking shields provide a great deal of defensive capabilities for the whole unit, to be followed by an offensive strategy when the time comes. What gets my attention with, what is so beautiful about, this tactic is the fact that one man’s shield actually protects the man next to him, and so on down the line.
-King Leonidas, "300" movie (2007)
The spirit of the Phalanx is my driving force, my Why, to providing amazing bookkeeping services to as many wonderful clients as I can. If I can step in and help you build the financial health of your business, that directly impacts you positively. Not merely increasing your cash, but reducing stress and increasing efficiency with systems and technology. You can live your life a little more free and reach your goals.

That’s my shield in front of you. Now that you’re where you want to be, your shield is now covering someone else, or probably several people. “Better financial health” is a loaded phrase, with several possible definitions or elements. First, it means the business is sustaining itself. Second, your business is paying you more, while still remaining fully sustainable. These things plus many more including the business is paying its own taxes (and the business owner’s for that matter).
1) Your Business Sustaining Itself
Payroll can be a nightmare! A really dreadful thing. Hopefully the employees may have no idea about the struggles leading up to pay day. But what if they do? They probably don’t feel too secure in their job, and that just sucks. My dream is to avoid that dread altogether, not just for the employees’ peace of mind, but for yours. I know that situation crushes you, too. With my help, your business will be sustainable. It will be able to handle payroll with ease, giving your employees more security (from your shield) in their positions with your company. Not only that, you’ll feel tremendous confidence knowing that you provided that for them.
As far as employees go, payroll is just a small example. Think of other areas, too, such as acquiring assets that make your employees’ jobs easier, as well as increase productivity for you too. There are probably many around providing a better working environment as well.

2) You Receiving a Nice, Fat Paycheck
With more income, you can support your family the way you’ve always wanted to. Build savings for retirement, kids’ college, take vacations and go on road trips. Buy a house. Reach your dreams!
I’m suggesting that you take more money home, but not working longer hours to do so. In fact, I’d love to see less time away from home. What if you could be able to not only provide more money or other tangible resources to your loved ones, but also be able to provide a very important intangible one to them? Time, a resource we have a very finite amount of.